Checklist for Apartment Hunting in Germany
This checklist, designed for expats, students, and other newcomers, simplifies the process of apartment hunting in Germany and ensures all key aspects are covered.
Set a Budget
Include estimated rent, additional costs (Nebenkosten), and security deposit (Kaution).
Understanding Rent Types / Verständnis der Mietarten
Warm Rent vs. Cold Rent / Warmmiete vs. Kaltmiete
Security Deposit /
Amount and Payment /
Höhe und Zahlung
What if Nebenkosten exceed estimates? /
Was, wenn die Nebenkosten die Schätzungen überschreiten?
Be prepared for potential adjustments in Nebenkosten at the end of the year. / Seien Sie auf mögliche Anpassungen der Nebenkosten am Jahresende vorbereitet.
Choose the preferred district, considering public transport and amenities. Decide on the type of apartment (shared apartment - WG, studio, etc.).
Key Factors to Consider /
Wichtige Faktoren
Some Apartments Types in Germany / Wohnungsformen in Deutschland
Prepare Important Documents
Scan copies of your ID, employment contract, salary statements, SCHUFA credit report, and proof of no rental debts.
Proof of no rental debts / Mietschuldenfreiheitsbescheinigung
Boost your rental application success / Steigern Sie die Chance Ihrer Bewerbung
A rent debt clearance certificate verifies tenants have fully and punctually paid past rents. / Die Mietschuldenfreiheitsbescheinigung bestätigt, dass Mieter bisherige Mieten vollständig und rechtzeitig bezahlt haben.
Our Tip:
The ImmobilienScout24 website provides a guide for creating an application portfolio for apartment seekers, emphasizing the importance of a complete and well-presented portfolio with key documents like credit reports and income proofs to make a positive impression on landlords.
Click here to read:
Plan Viewing Appointments
Make notes of questions about the apartment, landlord, and neighborhood. Be prepared for competitive viewings.
Know Your Rights /
Kennen Sie Ihre Rechte
Not every question is allowed! / Nicht alle Fragen sind erlaubt!
In Germany, landlords can ask about income, employment, pets, and marital status, but not about criminal history, politics, or family planning. / In Deutschland dürfen Vermieter nach Einkommen, Beschäftigung, Haustieren und Familienstand fragen, aber nicht nach Vorstrafen, Politik oder Familienplanung.
Disclaimer: Sonnemann Medien- und Vermittlungsdienste (Mehmet Baran Kaya) compiled this document (Contact:, No guarantee for accuracy or currentness. Intended for general information only, not as professional advice. No liability for damages from its use. For full terms and conditions (“AGB”), please visit