Checklist for Filing a Tax Declaration

Money in Jars

Understanding Tax Classes in Germany

Tax classes in Germany affect how much income tax is withheld from your salary.

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Tax Classes in Germany: Single and Seperated Individuals

Single man out

Class I: For single and separated individuals.

Single parenting

Class II: For single parents.

Lightbox Board with Word EXTRA INCOME in Black Letters around Euro Banknotes. Money, Business, Finance, Investment, Saving

Class VI: Used for secondary employment.

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Tax Classes in Germany: Married Couples

Tax Class III:

  • Most beneficial for married couples where one spouse earns significantly more than the other.

  • Less tax being withheld from the higher earner's salary, which can be advantageous if the other spouse has little or no income.

Tax Class IV:

  • Designed for married couples where both spouses earn income.

  • After marriage, both spouses are automatically placed in tax class 4 unless a change is requested.

Tax Class V:

  • Generally chosen in conjunction with Class III for the other spouse.

  • Class V has higher tax withholding rates, meaning more tax is taken out of the lower earner's salary.
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Necessary Documents

US Individual Income Tax Return

Employment Tax Statement (Lohnsteuerbescheinigung)

It's provided by your employer at the end of the year or when your employment ends.

The Pen and Notebook on the Tax Form W-2 Wage and Tax Statement.

Tax Identification Number (Steuer-ID or TIN)

This unique number is essential for your tax dealings in Germany.

Receipt of a Clothes Shop

Receipts for Deductible Expenses

All receipts related to potential deductions, like work-related expenses, medical bills, or educational costs.

The exact documents and forms you'll need can vary depending on your specific circumstances, such as your employment status, whether you have additional income sources, and any deductible expenses you might have.

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Choosing a Method for Tax Declaration

Digital Tax E Invoice Online Software

Online Tax Return Software:

  • These are user-friendly tools available in English, designed to guide you through the process of tax filing. Some popular options include SteuerGo, Taxfix, smartsteuer, Zasta, and Taxando​​.
Financial Advisor Consulting

Tax Consultant (Steuerberater):

  • If your tax situation is complex, such as being self-employed with multiple income sources, a tax consultant can offer personalized service.
Businessman Asking for Paperwork from His Assistant Secretary


  • This is a tax assistance association, ideal if a tax consultant is too expensive. They assist members in preparing tax declarations, usually for an annual fee based on salary. However, this option is only for regular employees, not for self-employed individuals or freelancers​​.
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Don’t Miss the Deadlines!

Be aware of the key dates for your tax declaration in Germany.

  • For Self-Filers:
    • The deadline for submitting your tax declaration is typically July 31st of the year following the tax year. For instance, for the 2024 tax year, the deadline would be July 31st, 2025.

  • With a Tax Consultant:
    • If you're using a tax consultant, income tax assistance association, or other authorized advisors, the deadline is extended. For the 2024 tax year, your deadline would be April 30th, 2026.

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