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Pre-Enrollment Checklist for Elementary School

This checklist, designed for expats and other newcomers, simplifies the process of school enrollment in Germany and ensures all key aspects are covered.

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School Registration

(12-15 Months Before)

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Parents and children are invited to their local elementary school 15 months before school starts, with details on registration dates and the assigned school.

List of Required Documents /

Liste der erforderlichen Dokumente

  • Registration Form / Anmeldeformular: Included with the invitation. / Mit Einladung erhalten.

  • ID / Personalausweis: Bring your or your child's ID or passport. / Personalausweis oder Reisepass mitbringen.

  • Child’s Passport or Birth Certificate/ Kinderpass oder Geburtsurkunde: Proof of child's age / Nachweis des Alters des Kindes.
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(5-9 Months Before)

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The School Entry Examination, a 30-45 minute assessment by local health departments, determines a child's school readiness. Parents receive an invitation for this evaluation.

Contents and Preparation /

Inhalte und Vorbereitung

  • Contents / Inhalte: Health check (vision, hearing), physical development (height, weight), motor skills, cognitive abilities. / Gesundheitscheck (Seh- und Hörtest), körperliche Entwicklung (Größe, Gewicht), motorische Fähigkeiten, kognitive Fähigkeiten.

  • Preparation / Vorbereitung: No specific preparation needed; focus on child's comfort. / Keine spezielle Vorbereitung erforderlich; Wohlbefinden des Kindes steht im Vordergrund.

Results of the Examination /

Ergebnisse der Untersuchung

  • Discussion with Parents / Besprechung mit Eltern: The doctor discusses the results with parents. / Der Arzt bespricht die Ergebnisse mit den Eltern.

  • Sharing with School / Weitergabe an Schule: With parental consent, results are shared with the school for potential support needs. / Mit Einverständnis der Eltern werden die Ergebnisse an die Schule weitergeleitet.
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School Supplies

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Investing in durable, high-quality items like school bags and sports equipment can save money in the long run.

Trending Brand:


Founded in 2010 in Cologne, the company quickly made a name for itself with its environmentally friendly and ergonomic school bags made from recycled plastic. Ergobag combines sustainability with practical design and safety, making it a preferred choice for elementary school students.

School boys walking on zebra crossing on way to school
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Route to School

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It's crucial to familiarize the children with the school route before the school year starts. Walk or drive the route with them several times, pointing out landmarks and safe places along the way.

Teach your child to keep a safe distance from strangers and to never accept rides or gifts from someone they don’t know. / Lehren Sie Ihr Kind, sich von Fremden fernzuhalten und niemals Fahrten oder Geschenke von Unbekannten anzunehmen.

Girl taking candy from stranger

Stranger Awareness /


Girl taking candy from stranger
Family with red umbrella

Weather Preparedness /


Teach your child to be prepared for different weather conditions. This includes wearing appropriate clothing and carrying an umbrella or raincoat on rainy days. / Bringen Sie Ihrem Kind bei, auf verschiedene Wetterbedingungen vorbereitet zu sein. Dazu gehört das Tragen geeigneter Kleidung und das Mitführen eines Regenschirms oder einer Regenjacke an Regentagen.

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Abstract network seamless pattern


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